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Concerning worksheets > GIFF pictures in Word are heavier??? How to resize?
GIFF pictures in Word are heavier??? How to resize?
GIFF pictures in Word are heavier??? How to resize?
Dear friends, I have a strange problem: small giffs inserted to a table in Word became extremely heavy! I used 15 giffs (15 kB-30 kB), but the Word document is suddenly 2,6 MB.
I have tried to format picture - compress - web-96dpi. I have tried software NXPower.
What am I doing wrong? (Word 2002) Is my Word ok? Is it normal - after inserting a picture, the document size grows rapidly? How can it be - 200kB pictures after inserting 2MB document???
Please help me, I have been trying to solve it for 2 hours... nothing helps...
3 Feb 2009
I�ll try that next time!! ![Wink]( |
3 Feb 2009
i`ve heard somewhere that works! When I have that problem, I`ll try that! Thanks for the lesson! |
3 Feb 2009
alien boy
I posted a comment SOMEWHERE in one of the discussions about this... but here it is again about Word documents...
If you (heavily) edit a Word document that contains graphics Word will actually (generally) keep a lot of extra information that tracks all the changes that have gone on to make sure the correct images show up (I can provide a more technical description if anyone wants it).
By copying your edited worksheet & pasting it into a new document you essentially start THAT document with a �clean sheet� so there is less stuff for Word to track changes in.
That�s pretty much why the �cut & paste� thing may (but not always) reduce the size of a document.
4 Feb 2009