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Ask for help > Letter exchange project
Letter exchange project
Renate Oliveira
Letter exchange project
Hello dear teachers!
During 2013 my 7th graders had the oppotunity to exchange letters with other students with the same level from another city here in Brazil. They really loved the experience, because people are not used to write letters anymore. Now, they are going to 8th grade and I want to provide to them the expereince of exchanging letters with student from another country. If any of you is interested in participating with your students, please add me on facebook (Renate Oliveira) to discuss and check if the level of our students is similar.
Thank you!
4 Jan 2014
It�s a good idea How old are they????
4 Jan 2014
dear renate it s perfect for me .i have already my students letters with me just ready to be sent there are seventeen students are from the 8th grade as well.They are 13 . In fact i arranged with a coleague from turkey but she let me down tell the end because of the school holiday. What do you say?Can i send them tomorrow? bY THE WAY I �M AN ESL TEACHER FROM mOROCCO Please send your address as soon as possible here or in my email address [email protected] I have a page in facebook(TAIK laila) where we post the work our school projectsand the group in facebook called CULTURE EXCHANGE PROJECT My regards
5 Jan 2014