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The caption contest revisited
The caption contest revisited
Here �s the caption picture redisplayed. So far the captions have already been widely ranged and taken from different perspectives, yet all funny and enjoyable. Tomorrow is the time when I �ll face the compulsion of choosing the "best". If you have any suggestion about which caption you deem worth the "title", you can e-mail it to me; it �ll be welcome and fairly considered.
Go on, keep trying!
10 Jan 2014
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
10 Jan 2014
Dog on fence=off me,you treachous beast .Thirty years of marriage without puppies. Dog on ground=No No No No ;don �t go.I promise I won �t use contraceptives anymore
10 Jan 2014
Dog on fence=off me,you treachous beast .Thirty years of marriage without puppies. "she-dog" on ground=No No No No ;don �t go.I promise I won �t use contraceptives anymore
10 Jan 2014
Sheba was fed up with Laddy �s constant demands for s_ x. She decided to go and live with the cat next door.
11 Jan 2014
Sorry, I couldn �t start a new topic, so I have to write it as a reply.
How rewarding it is to receive this host of entries, all profuse with fun and wit. The subjects are ranging from puppilar (good fences and good neighbors) to pecularly odd (dogs adopting contraceptive methods). In all the entries, the 2 dogs are either partners cooperating to peep at neighbors for various purposes or dissociates fighting, again, for different reasons. I particularly shared sarguero, cunliffe, and Douglas�s bottom dogs feelings when positioned at the hinds of their fellows, sympathised with uslteacher�s top dog for receiving that deserved bite, and also felt bitterly sorry for cunliffe and Gaza child�s top dogs that had to abandon their mates after suffering recurrent intercourse anomalies. It�s really hard to choose a winner among all these creative authors � entries ; and namely among those of Sarguero, cunliffe, Douglas,Ggaza child, and envinches. To avoid any possible misinterpretation of my choice, I opt for evinches. So it�s over to her. |
11 Jan 2014