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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Two for Tuesday Special: Word of the Day and Link to Lens of the Day on Squidoo
Two for Tuesday Special: Word of the Day and Link to Lens of the Day on Squidoo
Two for Tuesday Special: Word of the Day and Link to Lens of the Day on Squidoo
I didn �t want to clutter the forum with two posts, so I �m combining them. First, the Word of the Day winner is edrodmedina! He "defined" averruncator as "a person who watches over people who snore eg. people with sleep apnea." Since my brother has severe sleep apnea (and my late father also had it), I was moved by his definition. I acknowledge that he partially borrowed this from sarguero, whose definition of a bird that snores loudly at 3:00 a.m. was hilarious. I also enjoyed the definitions from alexcure and MarionG, who warned us to be careful with cats, and florimago and viccxx who warned us to be careful of cats! Thank you to all who participated.
Unfortunately, the real definition is much more prosaic: "a pole for pruning trees."
Secondly, I would like to brag on my sister-in-law, Janiece, who just got a Lens of the Day award from Squidoo. What does that have to do with us, you ask? The topic of her lens is " Playful Ways to Help Children with Reading and Spelling." Although her intended audience is teachers and parents of English speakers, many of the games she mentions can be used or adapted to ESL or EFL students as well. Since her son/my nephew has dyslexia, she makes special mention of dyslexia resources. I hope her lens will be useful for some of you. Thanks for reading this book of a post!
14 Jan 2014