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Ask for help > I need your help! I can no longer send any new printables.... Why is that? what īs wrong?
I need your help! I can no longer send any new printables.... Why is that? what īs wrong?
I need your help! I can no longer send any new printables.... Why is that? what īs wrong?
Hi everybody! I īm really in dire need of your help and advice dear eslprintable members! I don īt know why whenever I send a new printable, such a message is sent to me the following day. Why are my printables no longer acceptable? What does the error stem from?
The message is this:
"There was an error with your contribution LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS: EXPRESSING OPINION + AGREEMENT & DISAGREEMENT Dear member, This is a message to inform you that there was a system error and your contribution LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS: EXPRESSING OPINION + AGREEMENT & DISAGREEMENT (ID:76007) could not be published. Please, check the file and send it again. If the problem continues, please contact the webmaster."
It happened to me three times in a row, just recently I īm so sad I can no longer send any more printables I hope I will resume my give and take hobby! eslprintables is really useful for me and I īm so addicted to it now that I can īt imagine I will leave it a single day at all
Thanks in advance for your help! |
18 Jan 2014
Can anyone help me, please? Reply soon! I īm really waiting for any good suggested solutions! |
18 Jan 2014
Check if your files aren īt doc.x. Otherwise there weren īt any problems |
18 Jan 2014
I īm sorry, brother! I really don īt know how I can help you! Maybe you have broken the terms of use so many times. Maybe! haven īt you? I hope someone else can help you with your problem. Why not send a message to the eslprintables webmaster? He can show you what to do to solve your problem! Good luck! have a nice day!
18 Jan 2014
Don īt worry dear colleague,the same thing happened to me and to other members as well a few days ago.There is a problem -not yours or mine - keep trying ,I īm sure you īll succeed as I did :I sent the printable four times finally it worked so don īt worry and try again.
Good Luck
Jemila |
18 Jan 2014
it happened to me those last couple of days... but i tried again a few hours later and it worked and I managed to publish several ws anyway, i just had to be patient...
18 Jan 2014
Open a new Word file,copy your work on this new file and upload it.Press F5 and refresh the page until īpreview coming soon � image disappears and your work appears.This solution always fixs my uploading problem.
18 Jan 2014
Donīt worry , be happy ! :)
Dear brother , You said just what I wanted to say myself !! I had the same problem a few days ago, I tried & tried again to send new participations , but in vain ! each time I got the same reply like yours ! I thought that it could be related to my internet connection or file formats ESLprin( because they ask you in ESLprintables to have Word 97; & I don īt know why !) I, therefore, was about to give up trying after I sent a message to the website ( & Iīm still waiting for the reply !) .. But , now , no !! We shouldnīt give up , letīs fight & keep trying .... Yours, Another ESLprintable member ..
18 Jan 2014