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Name-It contest

Name-It contest
Thankyou MoodyMoody for declaring my entree winner. I �ve been looking for a picture to post for more than 2 hours and finally choose this picture. I hope members willing to take part in the contest could fancy some wrong but reasonable use for the tool in the picture and then invent its name. I look forward to your "name-it" posts.
25 Jan 2014

Obviously I can �t win this time, but I �ll play because I like to play. It looks like a cheese board to me, or a caesolignam. (caeso - cheese, lignam - wood) |
25 Jan 2014

Have you got those ugly hairs on your legs? Use DEPILEG the ultimate sensation
25 Jan 2014

25 Jan 2014

Archaeologists found this burial object in a grave of a noble Celtic lady. It is an ADUFLOGGER, an instrument that the deceased can use to punish her wordly husband for adultery when he joins her in the afterworld. The handle obviously increases the intensity of the flogging as the instrument cannot slip from the beater�s hand while in action. 
25 Jan 2014

I still have another weird idea:
Zookeepers know it by the name ELEDROVATOR. It is used to pick up giant elephant dung heaps. ELE = elephant DRO = droppings + VATOR = ending of elevator
26 Jan 2014