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Games, activities and teaching ideas > two in one post: winner WOD and a new caption contest!
two in one post: winner WOD and a new caption contest!

two in one post: winner WOD and a new caption contest!
Congratulations to cukurova on winning the Word of the Day contest. Her difinition of funambulism might not have been the wittiest, but I liked the idea of ambulance personnel being funny just to cheer up the people they are transporting. I have always like the �clini-clowns � who go to hospitals to cheer up sick children and at some point seriously considered becoming one.
I was very honored to find out I won the caption contest. I noticed a new game has been started lately which is very similar to the caption contest so I hope this isn �t too much. I am posting in the same post to save forum space ...
To make sure the caprion contest is different from the new game I challenge you to write alternative captions to this cartoon. Go ahead, make us laugh, frown, wonder..
27 Jan 2014

Man in the green jacket: "Is there a toilet nearby?" Worker: "Non itellego. Non lo capisco. J�comprends pas. Nie rozumiem. " (= I don �t understand you.) Man in green jacket (using gestures to make it clear)
27 Jan 2014

Green: Have you seen my wife? Overalls: What she look like? |
27 Jan 2014

- You gave me a Viagra pill, didn �t you?
- No, It was a strong laxative
27 Jan 2014

Man in green: well ,could you give me your dungarees as a Valentine present to my pregnant wife?She �s waiting there in the car behind. Man in dungarees:Don �t you see I am pregnant ,too and in my 7th month. |
27 Jan 2014

Green: Sam we �ve been friends for a long time. Why did you ask me here? Overalls: I love you. |
27 Jan 2014