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New Name-It Contest

New Name-It Contest
Thank you for selecting my digisaponifier as the winner of the Name-It contest. Here is another obscure device. Try to think about what it may do (right or wrong is okay) and give it an outlandish, pseudo-intellectual, or hilarious name for it. I �ll pick the winner tomorrow evening server time or when I have enough entries to make it worthwhile. (I �ll repost as necessary. You have been warned.)
29 Jan 2014

It �s a MacGyverSat made with soda cans, window panels and a lighter.
29 Jan 2014

This is what �s labelled M2SMAC = MSSMAC = Mars Space Stock Market Capsule. It �s been recently conceived by NASA and is likely to be established on Mars within a few years. This project is set to benefit for the billionaires who will go on regular trips to space and while holidaying there, they won �t miss the comfort of monitoring their business.
29 Jan 2014

It �s a CANDYFLOCHINE. candy + floss + machine
29 Jan 2014

It �s a zingometer. You place it on your desk and it measures the amount of zing or oomph each of your lessons has. I can make mine spin at twice the speed of light.
30 Jan 2014