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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Word of the day January 29th
Word of the day January 29th

Word of the day January 29th
Ladies and Gentlemen here is the new Word of the Day ...
Remember: Don �t write the right meaning.... try to be as creative as you can 
29 Jan 2014

It �s the newest concept luxury SUV from Chrysler, with the proposed slogan: "Cocooned in comfort."
29 Jan 2014

Ekhm, you put me in an embarrassing situation, sarguero. Chrysalis is a sexually transmitted disease, similar to syphilis caused by a completely new type of bacterium which attacks male sex organs when a man becomes a "cocooned" potato, i.e. driving his Chrysler car all day long and longer (!) every day. You know what I mean, no bath nor shower, no air (as the man�s bottom is glued to the car�s comfort seat) ... Comfort may shockingly lead one to self-destruction...
29 Jan 2014

For those who follow football (soccer) the name Chrysalis is well known. Last year futbol player Chrystiano Gomes Ferraz underwent a very successful ahmm operation. Few knew that Chrys as he is known to his fans, was a cosplay enthusiast. He decided that he wanted to look like his idol Alison Caroll known for her portrayal of Laura Croft Tomb Raider. To honor Alison and his transformation, he merged his name with hers and so we have Chrysalis. Notice in the pictures below how he/she still retains some of his/her moves. |
29 Jan 2014

This is what Michael Douglas takes to avoid the costs of further facelifts. A great number of Hollywood celebrities swear by it as it contains a cryogen liquid which� preserves your looks forever.
29 Jan 2014

Out of participation but couldn �t resist
Chrysalis is the kind of ONIONS which cry Sallys with.
29 Jan 2014

CHRYSALIS = It �s an obsessive compulsory disorder when men keep using false names to conceal their own identity. This behaviour is quite common among men who date several women at the same time.
29 Jan 2014