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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Name-It Contest Continues!
Name-It Contest Continues!

Name-It Contest Continues!
You were warned. Here is the Name-It picture again.
Here is the link for the previous entries. I �ll decide on a winner in about 8 - 10 hours or so. Come on, we want YOU to participate!
30 Jan 2014

It �s a modern Japanese hat (!) These days fashion arrives at very explicit levels of imagination.
30 Jan 2014

It �s a zingometer. You put it on your desk and it measures how much zing or oomph! your lesson has. It flashes lights and rotates as you get into your stride with the lesson. I can make mine flash like the Northern Lights and spin at twice the speed of light. No winking icon, friends; I am absolutely serious.
30 Jan 2014

maryse pey�
It �s a Brainstorming Wheel to prevent hair to curl into knots.
Put it on your head before the meeting, then put on the Wheel and your hair will keep still during the brainstorming even if the ideas are burning too much !
30 Jan 2014