Here �s some kiwi slang taken from the book "The Beaut Little Book of Kiwi Slang"
stiff kumara (hard luck)
to suck the kumara (to fail or lose out)
in the nuddy (naked)
bonzer ( outstanding, fine, beaut)
boohai ( a remote distrcit or area)
box of birds (fine, happy, going well)
brewer �s goitre (a beer-gut or pot gut)
chook (a fowl or chicken)
chunder (to vomit)
cockie (a farmer)
a cow-cockie (a dary farmer)
crook (ill; awry; broken)
cuz (zy), cuzzy bro (a term of address or reference used mainly among young Maori)
dag (an amusing character)
the demons, the dees (detectives)
dole bludger (an offensive name for those on State support, especially those on family or unemployment benefits)
puku (stomach from Maori)
sickie (a period of sick-leave from work, often caused by �Mondayitis �)
loopie (a tourist)
I hope this helps :-))