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Winner of the:
Winner of the:
Sorry for the delays. It �s been a crazy week and we �ve been having computer problems.
A number of funny replies... and sorry for disturbing a few of you with my choice of gagdets. LOL
The winner is: ELOJOLIE274
for: This is obviously a nose-n-clean! It �s
used in schools to teach kids to wash their hands after touching their
nose / sneezing etc... This antibacterial soap is green to help children
remember their nose is full of bacteries etc... and when you use it
your hands stay green for a couple of minutes until you have scrubbed
them carefully :) be careful: never use water with this soap,
otherwise your hands will stay green for several hours... (to teach kids
that your hands are not clean if you simply use water!)
Very creative... i almost believed you! lol
26 Feb 2014