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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Word of the Day, continued
Word of the Day, continued
Word of the Day, continued
I �m happy to have six fake definitions, found here. However, I want a larger selection. So, I �ll decide tonight or tomorrow server time, or whenever I get a total of at least 10 fake definitions. Your word, again, is
Happy defining! |
13 Mar 2014
It �s a traveller who religiously avoids the countryside and sticks to cities. |
13 Mar 2014
it�s basically a killer, the kind of person who brought (in Spanish "traje") a gun and killed (in Spanish "mat�) a police officer (in Spanish "poli")The suffixe -st refers to the agent (who makes the action)
13 Mar 2014
TRAGEMATOPOLIST refers to a top of the list player in the action adventure game T.R.A.G. :Tactical Rescue Assault Group - Mission of Mercy in North America on PlayStation ,who plays as a member of T.R.A.G., engaged in the mission of assaulting terrorists. The player will be a tragematopolist ,meaning a champion of the gameplay,if he succeeds in penetrating the Togusa building, which has been taken over by terrorists, and rescuing Prof. Kevin Howard, an important scientist held hostage by them.
13 Mar 2014
TRAGEMATOPOLIST - is a policeman on the mat with a tragic face |
13 Mar 2014
T -just a filler letter to make it sound good
rage -severe anger
mato -tomato
polist- one that conducts polls (surveys)
Tragematopolist - a person that comes to your door or stops you while shopping and batters you with so many stupid questions you just want to throw a tomato at them. |
14 Mar 2014
Metapolis was a once thriving city off the western coast of Greece. Due to a cataclysmic under water earthquake, the city was swallowed up by the sea. Those citizens who managed to survive because they were in foreign lands or out to sea felt the tragic loss when they heard of the calaminty which befell their beloved city. Thus the word TRAGEMATAPOLIST has come to mean one who has a great sense of loss for leaving their homeland.Ed
14 Mar 2014