This site is really helpful...
I am becoming an addict though!
Thank you so much for your dedication! |
6 Feb 2009
My husband complains that I spend too much time on the computer so of course this is the weekend that he isn�t home.
I never really understood what it meant when people said that someone is addicted to the computer but I am a ESL junkie.
Victor, god speed. There are going to be a lot of very nervous and jumpy people waitng to get back on line.
To everyone
6 Feb 2009
Thanks a lot dear Victor!!!!!!!!!
6 Feb 2009
Thanks a lot Victor! Try to rest and good luck with the new server! You really do a wonderful work!
Thanks and good luck! |
6 Feb 2009
Thanks a lot for eveything! I couldn�t live without all of you... You�ve made my life much easier! Big thanks!!!! |
6 Feb 2009
We�ll be waiting for you on Monday,lucky Monday! |
6 Feb 2009
Thanks a loooootttttttttt Victor! � I�ll be praying for you and your job ! GOOD LUCK!!! You�re a GREAT!!! HUGS �from Argentina. |
6 Feb 2009