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Ask for help > Colloquial expressions.
Colloquial expressions.
Colloquial expressions.
Could you please explain the meaning of the following phrases:
You look bananas!
Please, queue the other side!
Thanks a lot!!! |
17 Apr 2014
You look bananas - I am not familiar with this expression, however go/gone bananas is often used which means crazy.
EX: Have you gone bananas? Have you gone crazy?
Prince William made a comment to Kate this week about her looking like a banana - see here
Please, queue the other side means just that, queue in that other spot (not where you are now). Often people queue in the wrong spot, such as entering from the exit spot.
Jayho |
17 Apr 2014
One note to this: most Americans would not understand "Please, queue the other side!" we would say "please line-up on/to the otherside" or "please wait on/to the other side" depending on the exact situation.
Most Americans don �t general know the word "queue" and think you are talking about the letter "Q".
18 Apr 2014