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Cursive vs Print
manonski (f)
Cursive vs Print
Hi everyone
As you know, some schools are giving up teaching cursive writing or print. We are debating what we should do in my school and was wondering what are students learning in your part of the world when they start learning how to write.
Do they learn print first, then cursive? Is it the other way around? Have you stopped teaching one?
Looking forward your answers.
Wishing you a good day!
23 Apr 2014
There �s no
general rule in Spain but I would say that either they start with print, and
then move on to cursive, when kids are able to write more accurately (which
seems to be the most common practice nowadays) or they start with cursive
straight-away. I don �t think anybody here is giving up cursive.
Best wishes
23 Apr 2014
In the USA, printing is always taught first, and many schools are foregoing cursive instruction in favor of keyboarding. I teach neither, but that �s because my students are all adults with some knowledge of writing in English. |
23 Apr 2014
In Italy they are mostly taught at the same time. Best wishes |
23 Apr 2014
I was taught to teach print first, all capital letters, after that script and cursive. Children don �t have a fine motor skill and they need practice and assistance to develop a good autonomy in writing. Frankly speaking, a lot of teachers don �t follow those steps and teach all the three types of writing at the same time. Ciao |
23 Apr 2014