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WOD contest
WOD contest
Dear contestants, the new word for crazy and funny definitions is :MARITODESPOTISMI �m waiting for your daffinitions guys. I �ll pick a winner when i get enough entries. GOOD LUCK
4 May 2014
It is a word to describe the feeling of a woman who has chosen a wrong husband and thinking about her wrong choice(mari = marriage /to/ despotism) |
4 May 2014
It is a state of mind that some husbands take on after marriage they think that women are their humble slaves: cooking, washing, mending socks, cleaning house, serving beer during a football match on TV...
(Hope this is not the real definition!)
5 May 2014
Oops, sorry, I �m disqualified. Just looked it up and found out it �s the real definition.
5 May 2014
May I still give it another try?
Suffering from otitis, you have a feeling of despair that troubles you permanently.
to mar = disturb it = pronoun of = preposition desp = despair otism = incurable form of otitis
5 May 2014
It �s collecting samples of salts from the sea, to test how the ozone layer is going.
mari = of the sea todes =(TODE) During springtime in the polar regions, unique photochemistry converts inert halide salt ions into reactive halogen species that deplete ozone in the boundary layer to near zero levels. ... pot = the sample is then �potted � put into the pot.
Arctic explorer-types carry out this very useful research. |
5 May 2014
@Isa: I really didn �t know the defenition! It was my first idea when I saw the word! And women don �t think they are slaves, they simply cook, clean, wash, groe children.... and nothing else :) |
5 May 2014
Julia, you are right. That �s the trick!
5 May 2014
hi every body. I think "maritodespotism" is being married just as a maid at her husband �s house; that is to say; it is dominated by a patrialchal society |
5 May 2014
I think the definition is more like that: Mari = Mary (with a typo) Tod = German for death Spot = pimple So maritodespotism is nothing else but a woman �s eternal struggle to get rid of pimples |
5 May 2014
It �s a name for a medical condition.
People who suffer from it feel the urge to write -on the SPOT-an ODE to a lady called MARI.
Many years ago, it was a common disease among bards and poets. |
5 May 2014
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