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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Idea to work on environment
Idea to work on environment
Idea to work on environment
Hello everybody....
Last night, I had an idea for a post-reading or writing or listening reolated to environment: debate in which there are The Earth �s lawyers (with arguments to defend our planet) and the Polutter �s lawyers (with arguments to defend their attitudes) can even add more characters....such as a make it more real as in a court room....
THink happy thoughts! |
11 Feb 2009
That �s a great idea. I alreay did sth like that with my students. They were supposed to write a speech at home that they would give at a conference called "We and the Environment - If we don �t act now ... " We improvised a stand, put a mike and a glass of water to the side (in case the speaker �s mouth went dry ) and that was enough to get them going. I encourgaed them to use the tone of an ardent environmentalist and brandish their finger in the air to emphasise what they were saying. The audience were encouraged to react by applauding or shouting "Yeeeah!" or "Booo!". The class was a great success.
The more you encourage them to dramatise in class, the more enthusiastic they will get about it and in the end will talk about the lesson for days! |
11 Feb 2009
Ivona! I would love to be one of your students. Your classes sound like fun! Plays and conferences!!
Eliana, super idea to do it as a court case. I also tried this environmental debate as a talk show. One thing I learned was to give them lots of time for preparing and suggest useful language phrases for giving opinions, agreeing/disagreeing etc. My students really got into the spirit of the debate too! Turks are very passionate but next time I`ll use Ivona`s idea for clapping! and booing! That`s a great idea! |
11 Feb 2009
Ana B
It �s really a great idea to improve conversation skills!
By the way, check these contibutions. They may be useful:
Have a great day! |
11 Feb 2009