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Teaching material > Coursebook at upper-intermdiate level (B2)
Coursebook at upper-intermdiate level (B2)
Coursebook at upper-intermdiate level (B2)
Dear colleagues,
I �d like to have suggestions for a good coursebook (B2 level) for adults. As mine will be a blended course, I �m interested in a book that stimulates speaking and debates and that is not focused on grammar (BTW, students might take the Trinity GESE at the end of the course, if they want).
A friend suggested SpeakOut Upper-intermediate, while a colleague who used Global Upper-intermediate was really happy with it. I don �t want to use English File (even the new edition) because I have already used parts of it, and I need a fresh start.
Hope you can help me choose something suitable! THX!!
3 Jun 2014