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I am rather confused between " PROLONG" and " EXTEND". Can you help me distinguish Ex: Remember not to EXTEND your stay here; the children need you to play with at home> Why can �t I use Prolong in this case? Thanks
23 Jun 2014
nasreddine Sarsar
You may extend: A firewall A building A visit (prolong a visit) A contact You may prolong: A situation Somebody �s life A conversation A deadline (extend a deadline, too)
23 Jun 2014
"Extend your stay" is a fixed expression, but it wouldn �t be wrong to say "prolong your stay". "Prolong" is specifically for time, but "extend" is for time or length. I don�t think "prolong a deadline" works, because the deadline is the endpoint, which you can�t actually make longer. We say "extend a deadline". Bruce
23 Jun 2014