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Message board > Do all reporters and moderators have a clear conscience
Do all reporters and moderators have a clear conscience
Lucyanne, let me remind you some of the rules that rule this great site:
1.Your contributions must be your own creations.
2.You can use texts from other websites or books in your worksheets if you add your own exercises or activities (For example, reading comprehension questions, etc). Please don �t take texts from other ESL websites or books, it would be unfair.
3.If your worksheet is just a reading text, it will only be accepted if the text is written by you.(this means you �re the author of the reading text)
4.It is acceptable to take a text from other sources (not ESL websites or ESL books) and add your own exercises or activities, but you are not allowed to take an exercise from another source and add more exercises of your own. All the exercises must be yours.
5.You are not allowed to send the same worksheet twice.
As you can see, your reported wss have broken these rules.
25 Jun 2014
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