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Games, activities and teaching ideas > 6th grade story tellers need your opinion on their fairy tale ;)
6th grade story tellers need your opinion on their fairy tale ;)

6th grade story tellers need your opinion on their fairy tale ;)
Hello teachers around the world,Just like last year, my 6th graders (1st year of English in middle school) wrote a fairy tale that I published on our English blog. I �d like to ask you for a favour: if you have time, could you read it/them and give your opinion? It would be so kind of you to leave a comment! Last year your comments had a great impact on the children, and again, I thank you for your precious help  . I love to see my pupils excited because people at the other end of the planet read their work. The school year is coming to an end and it �s a great gift to see that pride on their face.
Thank you so much in advance.
Click on the following link to read "Once upon a time...", a fairy tale about a fairy taken by a horrible monster with 3 heads:
Click on that link if you want to read the story of WarMan vs Popop, a fairy tale about a super hero who needs electronic help to get rid of the villain and save the princess:
Once again, THANK YOU!  |
25 Jun 2014

Done! (I am sbafatio nutellae  ) |
25 Jun 2014

Thank you!! It �s very nice of you!  |
25 Jun 2014

Woooooow! I �m really impressed... If only my pupils could do that!!! Did they write it throughout the school year? Or just at the end of the year? Did you divide the class into groups to write different parts of the tale? I would love to do such project with my 6�me!!! Could you tell me how you managed to do it? Thanks a lot and again... Well done ! manoue
25 Jun 2014

Manoue16, you can try, I bet you �ll be surprised at the result! They write at the very end of the year, you, know, when they usually don �t want to work anymore  . There �s no waste of time, believe me! Yes, I divide the class into groups, give them an assignment, timeout, and they have no choice but to get into it! They produce the whole thing from A to...Y (I take care of the layout with the pictures, because of the poor software possibilities at school). Thank you for your comment, but you can write one for the children on the blog!  |
26 Jun 2014

Thanks for your answer... last questions: I suppose you let them choose the story, the names and the characteristics of the characters; Do you organize the 1st debate in English or in French? How long did it take to write their tales from the very 1st lesson to the end? I �ll definitely try this great project next year! Thanks again!
26 Jun 2014

I get to know the names and characteristics of the characters at the end of the writing session. The story unfolds with their writing, really. I don �t know how much time it took to write the whole story exactly, I �d say it required about 10 sessions. Good luck with yours, and keep me posted! |
29 Jun 2014

Thanks for your answer! I showed your pupils � work to my colleagues and we �ve decided to try this collaborative work next year... We �ll keep in touch for sure! Have great holidays! manoue
5 Jul 2014