offensive thank you notes
I have received two really offensive thankyou notes with pictures accompanying them and it is sad because it is such an interesting and useful site for teachers.It is also a pity because this person was able to download my printables with 0 points.How was this possible?can �t someting be done to prevent something like this happen? can Victor do something?
12 Feb 2009
Hi, the fact that you recieved a thank you note doesn �t mean that the person downloaded your worksheet. You leave the note in the preview. Don �t be sad, there are always unpleasent persons who just join the group to bother the others.
A big hug. |
12 Feb 2009
I think the person was really upset that they couldn �t download your awesome worksheet. But their response and the messages they left were really inappropriate...And more directed at how the site works and the point system rather than you...
Although its not very nice and to use the F word.... Maybe you could message victor with the link to your worksheet so that he can delete it for you?
12 Feb 2009
Mar (itxasobcn)
I �m sure Victor will delete this "person". And the comments as well. |
12 Feb 2009
Hi itxasobcn!
I �ve just read your last two comments. What �s happening? I �ve always used this website and so far... I didn �t have any problem! It seems really useful.
I don �t know you and you don �t know me, but follow my advise as colleague, as an English Teacher: focus on the important things: the english language learning process.
Unfortunately, we find stupid people everywhere, even among English Teachers. But there are also many, many wonderful Teachers. Try not to be upset. If offensive notes dont � stop, you just need to inform the website responsible.
Have a good working day! |
12 Feb 2009
That person, who calls himself, damn it has a pornographic picture under his name. Would someone please help get a hold of Victor to delete him?
12 Feb 2009
Wow! I just had a look at those last comments! That is a truly sick mind!
I`m guessing that you have sent a message to Victor to delete the comments and the account will be banned but of course that doesn`t mean that sick minds won`t continue to bother us from time to time.
I think we should send PMs to that member confronting the behavior on behalf of our community. Perhaps he will get them before the account is cancelled and think twice before doing it again.
12 Feb 2009
I didn �t actually notice what the picture was until Lisa pointed out that it was pornographic!!
Some people are quite sick - honestly...and I don �t think this was even an attack at this member or the site really... I think the person is obviously a bit err... disturbed... even his nick is strange...
12 Feb 2009
It is really sad to receive these type of comments but I think some members of the site are not even teachers... anyway don �t pay attention to things like that! He/She will probably be banned from the site.
12 Feb 2009
Hello dear English teachers,
Absolutely disgusting! I found this person and told him to get out!
I hope he isn �t an English teacher or any other kind of teacher. I feel sorry for the pupils.
Let �s hope that he will be kicked out as soon as possible!
Take care Hannale.
All the best - Aimee |
12 Feb 2009
Don�t worry Hannale, he �ll be out soon. don�t even think about it....it�s not worth a single minute of your precious time.
Chorima |
12 Feb 2009