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Dear All,
I have got any kind of unlimited materials to share. However, I want to make sure that nobody has shared them previously. How can I check something like this?
Another question is that the most of the materials I have are in large capacities (above 3MB - PPts.) and I cannot share them with you. How can I overcome these?
I am looking forward to seeing from you in your earliest convenience.
Thank you.
Kind Regards. |
4 Jul 2014
If you created the material yourself, it is very unlikely that someone has created the same thing and shared it already. |
4 Jul 2014
manonski (f)
You can only share your own material, the one you have created. If you have things made by other people or taken on another website, you can �t upload it here. It belongs to someone else and it might be copyrighted.
As for the size, there are ways to compress the pictures to make them take less space. In the tutorials section, you should find ways to do that. The files in the tutorials section are free to download. |
4 Jul 2014
You can only share your own material, the one you have created.
5 Jul 2014