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Message board > hello! I hope you īll like my worksheets
hello! I hope you īll like my worksheets
hello! I hope you īll like my worksheets
hi! I īm an English teacher from France and I īm a new bee!
well, I will try and do my best to please you with my worksheets (I sent two of them).
but the best ones are too heavy and I can īt send them...
could you tell me how to reduce the size of my documents?
I haven īt downloaded any from the website because I haven īt got any point yet but the website looks great and there seems to be amazing resources!
12 Feb 2009
Hi! WELCOME emilie! Select a picture and open it with Microsoft Picture manager. Resize it and save it. If it īs not enough you can reduce the quality of the picture by compressing it,
You can also use microsoft Paint. Select the image, copy and paste on PAINT. Resize it. And that īs it. Both suggestions work!
Have a nice day!
mena |
12 Feb 2009