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Grammar and Linguistics > do or make
do or make

do or make
Do we say "make a deal" or "do a deal"? I always thought it was make,but one of my books says it �s do. I �m a bit confused now. Maybe both are possible?
12 Aug 2014

Here we use both:
I �ll make a deal with you - if I mow the lawn can I borrow the car? He did a deal with his son, he can borrow the car if he mows the lawn.
It �s all finished - � it �s a done deal. � ( colloquial)
12 Aug 2014

You �re more likely to see or hear �do � in a British English context. For your information, Saszka (and anyone else who �s interested), if you �re unsure about a word, phrase or construction, you could try checking one of the many corpora which are available online. The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), for example, gives 593 instances of �make a deal � and 82 of �do a deal �, while the smaller British National Corpus (BNC) gives 16 for �make... � and 61 for �do... � There �s also Google �s Ngram Viewer which you can check here (try clicking on the dates to see some of the books the results are based on).
13 Aug 2014