Can īt find this expression!!!!
HI, everyone!! I can īt find this term that appears in Market Leader Upper intermediate coursebook:
RETIREMENT DOS. does anyone know it? Thanks a lot in advance, Naty |
24 Aug 2014
Hope this can be useful:
dos or do īs
1. A statement of what should be done: a list of the dos and don īts of management.
2. Informal An entertainment; a party: attended a big do at the embassy.
dos and donīts
rules about what you must do and what you must not do in a particular situation In the back of the guide thereīs a list of the dos and donīts of local etiquette.
Maybe it can refer to a retirement party or the obligations related to retirement.
24 Aug 2014
Thanks a lot for your answer!! I īll check with the text if this meaning can be possible. I also found Dean of Students... |
24 Aug 2014
What unit is the text in? I have the books, as well as the Active Teach software, but would need to see the vocabulary in the context it is used.
24 Aug 2014
DOS also stands for Department of State. Does that fit your context? |
24 Aug 2014
Parties or celebrations. When people retire, they have a īdo �.
A lot of people put in the apostrophe with the plural - doīs - but it isnīt necessary. Just as we really donīt need an apostrophe with the 1980s. |
25 Aug 2014
DOS............ is short for documents................maybe |
25 Aug 2014
@mohamedthabet: I sure as hell is handsomer than the old Cunliffe |
25 Aug 2014
@ cunliffe: You are, without a shadow of doubt, as smart and equally supportive. Unfortunately, you have also to recognise new cunliffe that you are handsomer, but alas not as beautiful as our old cunliffe.
25 Aug 2014
@ mohamedthabet. You smooth-talking charmer! Thank you, kind sir. |
26 Aug 2014