Hello Patt!
I teach 3segpa too this year.I had the same pupils last year in 4segpa.I agree with Elojolie,these children need to learn things they can use in everyday life.It is not always easy but for example:
-the pupils study sewing,cooking during "workshop" hours:my final task will be" I can prepare an English breakfast".First they will study English food in general(fruit/vegetables/meat...),you can play games:bingos/crosswords/memory games/wordsearch..)and then we will focus on the traditional English breakfast.They will study the utensils they will need for cooking,the verbs(mix/add/stir...).I have an English friend (she �s retired)who was a great cook.I asked my headmaster if I could invite her to give the pupils instructions during the cooking.When I announced them that they would make an English breakfast and moreover with an English woman,they were very happy and motivated.
-they also make objects during the �Habitat �hours:I have met the teacher to know what they do.They will make a wooden box to put bottles of apple juice in.Because they also make apple juice at school.So,the teacher showed me his lesson(how to make a wooden box").I will work with the teacher to make the pupils study the tools they use,the equipment(clothes)they need... and then we will focus on 5 jobs.You can study �jobs �(tools/equipment/places/qualities needed for the job..)
-In 6-5 segpa,I used the book"Easy goals"together with other documents I made.
In 4-3 this book is not interesting.I often take documents from New Spring 4LV2 .What the pupils love too is :the Royal Family/sport/music.Study the different music genres and then ask them what they prefer.Last year,they had to present a singer or a group .They did their research on the net with my help and they presented their work in class (they spoke about their singer and played the music)and we decorated the class with their posters.
I hope this helps.Work with the "segpa team",you will find it easier to prepare your lessons.
If you have questions,please contact me.