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Using Skype at school?
Using Skype at school?
Dear colleagues, I come to you for a little survey: I planned to use Skype (occasionally) in my classroom to have my students communicate with their correspondents. I thought it was a great idea, silly me! I �ve been told Skype wasn �t �safe � and so that I couldn �t use it with the school network. Period. I believe lots of teachers use it around the world. I even heard of French schools having projects with Skype. If you are one of these lucky teachers, could you let me know how you do it? Thanks, and have a great day!
1 Oct 2014
I �m also convinced Skype could be a useful tool for language teachers. Sadly I have the same stupid school administrators who decided that skype and network are dangerous. Last year I had one of my students who needed to do a skype interview for a work experience in Canada. I had to use my own material and phone connexions etc to by-pass the schoolsystem. So it is. We are not all lucky, so tresspassing is easy but it has a cost of course. I �m sure part of your students can skype with their own sophisticated phones which we mostly do not have. Anyway have a great day !
1 Oct 2014
We had 2 Skypes last school year : with Spain (it was very emotional and great, my students still remember it) and with the USA (not so emotional, but also very good one) We had 2 problems: 1. different time zones, so it �s hard to arrange the time, 2. when a student begins to speak all English flies away from hisher mind, so I understand we need to practise simple dialogues more before using the Skype. And one more idea - preparing Skype talk discuss what theme you will take, take one theme for one talk. |
2 Oct 2014