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Administrator īs contact data?
Administrator īs contact data?
Hi everyone, One of my online exercises was not approved (despite following the rules of the site and despite the fact that it worked with my students). I have no idea why and mainly FOR THE FUTURE so that I wouldn īt spend a lot of time making an exercise that will be deleted would like to know the reason for no approval. Another one has been pending approval for quite a while now. Guess the rules are clearer for regular worksheets and powerpoints and I feel a bit lost. So if you have Victor īs contact data, so Ii could learn more, I īd appreciate. Sharing is good ;-)
joanna |
8 Oct 2014
hello! I would like to tell you not to be discouraged. I myself have been refused one worksheet because it wasn īt entirely in English. The truth was that I had provided an extensive list of adjectives in English and in some examples I had added translation in Greek language and Albanian. I changed the worksheet and complied with the rules but unfortunately I have seen so many other contribution in other languages and not being reported at all for breaking the rules. I contacted Victor respecting this problem and he has ignored my e-mails. So I have reached the conclusion that this site is not managed as it should and this guy Victor likes to impose the rules whenever he wishes so. No fretting, just keep going and be cheerful. That īs what I have been telling myself as well :)
9 Oct 2014
Peter Hardy
Dear Joanna,
Have you read the rules and instructions? They state: The online exercises will be rated by the other users the day after publication, and you īll get points according to the average rating: - Average rating 5: you will get 10 points - Average rating 6: you will get 20 points - Average rating 7: you will get 30 points - Average rating 8: you will get 50 points - Average rating 9: you will get 100 points - Average rating 10: you will get 150 points - Average rating under 5: the contribution is not approved and will be removed.
Dear Eliona, You wrote you contacted Victor "respecting a problem". You meant of course "regarding a problem". Maybe you should check the word respect, as calling anyone "this guy" is very disrespectful. Even without knowing Victor is a very busy man, who teaches and provide us with this website amongst other things, he deserves more respect than being called īthat guy �. And as you can see in the above mentioned rules and instructions, he īs not making up the rules on the cuff. Being cheerful and respectful are important traits for a teacher, but you knew that already. Cheers, Peter. |
9 Oct 2014
dear Eliona adn Joanna let me add my piece of advice: victor can īt fix all our problems, he īs amazing but - as Peter said - very busy teaching and his first job is not to help us... he created this website to help every one of us find new documents by sharing ours, he keeps making new updates - online exercises didn īt exist when i first joined the website, the document size limit was way lower etc... contacting them should be only for a good reason: someone hacked your account and you can no longer access it, there īs someone sending hateful messages and you want them to be banned from the website etc... = something IMPORTANT that needs Victor īs attention Victor did create the rules to benefit ALL of us, so that when we download a document we īre sure it can be use by any ESL teachers, no matter where they teach. I know it can be hard to remove every single words from our pupils � native language(s) - i forgot to do it a couple of times myself and i don īt say i won īt forget again - but when your work gets reported, just assume the consequences... (i did, i īve had at least 4 documents reported since I joined and i īve updated them and uploaded them again...) the rules are not there to bother you, they īre here to make ALL our jobs easier! (what īs the point of me using the exercise you created if there are foreign words --> meaning i īll need to change your document before giving it to my pupils, what a waste of time...) and victor can īt actually be the only ones to manage the website and check the rules are followed: that īs the moderators � job (read the rules to know more) and they do a great job - not saying that because i īm a moderator... if you have a problem with the rules leave a message on the forum for the moderators to help you, don īt contact Victor!
and please don īt call Victor "that guy" - add at least an ajdective: "amazing, caring, generous" etc... that īs the least he deserves :) especially if you want him to answer (by the way i once contacted him regarding a troll on the forum - before we had the new and improved "this is a spam" option - he never replied, so what? who replies all their emails? no one can! it doesn īt mean he īs a bad person for being busy)
9 Oct 2014
Dear Peter and Elojolie, Thanks for your replies. Well to start with, you can not judge a teacher īs manners by just hearing that he or in my case she, used the word "that guy". It wasn īt meant as an insult, far from it. I am not disrespectful although my words may have been taken amiss. I don īt know Victor because I am a new member and my first impressions of him were not so good. I submitted a worksheet on adjectives with some translation. It was reported for breaking the rule of using other languages other than English. I changed my document and was happy to do so because I want to comply with the rules. But every time I browse the documents posted, I see this very rule broken and no one seems to have noticed them too for breaking the rules and using native languages. Well, of course I would be upset and annoyed since the rules are applied partially. I do understand how busy he may have been but just an e-mail of acknowledging the problem that exists, even if it consisted of one line would have been more than welcome for me. Sending four e-mails and not receiving a reply of any kind it did seem impolite. He could at least send me an e-mail address of one of the moderators with whom I could share my problem. I don īt think that would have taken more than one min. My problem was not about following the rules as you have stressed above Elojolie. I absolutely agree. I just believe that they must be obeyed by everyone, no exceptions. That was all. Having said this, I don īt mind apologising and expressing my gratitude for this website. I find it really helpful and useful to provide additional practice for my students. Dear Peter, not jumping into quick conclusions about someone on the grounds of sth written that may be interpreted a thousand ways, is also a trait of a good teacher, but I assume you know that too!!
9 Oct 2014
eliona-jc, any member can report a worksheet which breaks the rules. You can do it, too.
9 Oct 2014
Dear Eliona If you see a worksheet breaking the rules, you can report it yourself. The moderators will check it and see if it really breaks the rules and if they vote for it to go, it will be deleted. Of course, even the moderators don īt see everything, so each member has to look for the proper functioning of the site. Read the rules carefully and help the site getting better and better each day. |
9 Oct 2014
Dear eliona
It is difficult as a new member to understand how things work but your bad impression of Victor is unfair and perhaps misinformed. It is not he who reports submissions that don īt meet the rules. It is our members who report a submission and moderators who judge and vote on whether or not they should be removed. So if no member happens to look closely at a worksheet, it doesn īt get reported. Victor has little to do with it unless he happens to be looking at a worksheet himself, like any of us, as a teacher looking for materials.
So the next time you see a worksheet or something that you think breaks a rule, report it. You can see the option to report at the bottom of the page when you look at a worksheet, etc.
It is OUR job to apply OUR rules as a community. It is not Victor failing to apply the rules, it is our community of which you are a member who failed. Ironically, in a way, it was you who failed to report all those worksheets you mentioned you saw breaking the rules. Perhaps no one else looked at them.
With all due respect, while I can understand learning complicated processes developed over many years all at once is rather frustrating, I have to agree with Peter that "this guy" read as slightly contemptuous and disrespectful to me, perhaps because as older members, we are protective of Victor and everything he does.
Please report any worksheets,etc that you see breaking the rules yourself. Then the moderators will vote on it.
I hope that helps you to feel better about Victor, our hero. :) |
9 Oct 2014
Thank you for your replies. I have read the rules and I will make sure I keep them diligently :)
9 Oct 2014
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