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Concerning online exercises > How are the points awarded to the online exercises???
How are the points awarded to the online exercises???
How are the points awarded to the online exercises???
Hello Everybody!!!
I was browsing through the great variety of online exercises now available and i even tried doing one myself. I�ve been thinking of preparing my own online exercise, but i haven�t made up my mind on the topic yet.
When you enter the online exercises maker, you can read the following:�
If you make an online exercise, you�ll get points� according to other users� ratings: - Average rating 5: you get 10 points - Average rating 6: you get 20 points - Average rating 7: you get 30 points - Average rating 8: you get 40 points - Average rating 9: you get 50 points - Average rating 10: you get 60 points - Average rating under 5: the contribution is not approved
However, I�ve tried solving one of the exercises because i wanted to rate it, and I didn�t see where i could post my rating.
Hence, my question: Does anybody know how exactly is it we can rate the online exercises?
Thanks in advanced
2 Oct 2008
Hi , aldana
The rating system you mention here is for the exercise conception (design+content). 1st You should know that an ONLINE exercise is not published until it is approved by the other members. How? Simple. When the exercise is open by another member for the first time this member is asked to rate the exercise after he/she finishes and closes the window (it is as if you are giving your opinion about it, concerning its content and conception). The exercise should be rated by several members. If at the end the exercise gets an "average" of more than 5 points it is definitely approved and published for public use on the site.
NB: Only members of the site can do this.
Concerning the rating of the exercise�s "answers", it is just for the users, who are mostly students, to have an idea about their abilities about the topic covered by this exercise. This rating appears in a a dialogue box each time you click "OK" at the bottom of the exercise. It give you the Nbr. of points you get calculated automatically according to the number of questions plus the Nbr. of tries (each "OK" click is counted 1 try) This rating disappears at the moment you shut the exercise window.
Hope it could help!
2 Oct 2008
Thanks so much for answering my question. You hit the right nail, because that was exacty what i wanted to know.
"When the exercise is open by another member for the first time this member is asked to rate the exercise after he/she finishes and closes the window (it is as if you are giving your opinion about it, concerning its content and conception). The exercise�should be rated by several members. If at the end the exercise gets an�"average" of more than 5 points�it is definitely�approved�and published for public use on the site."
So, if i understood correctly...after the exercise is approved, they don�t get any more points? Because i openend one that was already published and nowhere was i asked to give my opinion on it. Is that so?
Thanks again
Aldana ;) |
2 Oct 2008
Yes, aldana
Once the exercise is approved with a certain Nbr. of points the rating page won�t appear again to anyone. The approval points will be added to your counter two days after the exercise is published according to the new points system. Your online exercise can approved with a min. of 10 pts and a max. of 60 pts.
2 Oct 2008
THANKS A LOT!!! You�ve been most helpful. I really appreciate it.
Aldana |
2 Oct 2008
Hello Everybody! Hello Victor!
I have a question today.
I had created an online exercise two days ago.It is called "Family Activities".
But today I noticed that next to it the sentence EXERCISE PENDING APPROVAL didn�t disappear.
What does it mean?
Will it be deleted?
I got three very good comments on it.
I know that
the exercise should be rated by several members.
If at the end the exercise gets an average of more than 5 points
it is definitely approved and published for public use on the site.
Thanks in advance,
16 Oct 2008