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Games, activities and teaching ideas > i need your suggestion
i need your suggestion
i need your suggestion
Dear friends,
i need your suggestion for teaching.
i want to know is it good that each session i teach one specific subject or it �s better to mix the subjects and teach?
by mixing subjects i mean in one session i teach numbers from 1 to 5 for 10 min then 3 colors and then 4 name �s of animals or i consider on one subject?
which do u think will work better in children classes?
Thanks for sharing your knowledge!:) |
18 Oct 2014
Hi Zahra,
In my opinion it would be perfect if you start teaching numbers. then use that knowledge in the next session to teach animals and colors. I mean make students connect what they study in Maths with English, Science, etc
18 Oct 2014
thank you dear fathi for your consideration :) |
18 Oct 2014
For young children the attention span can be short. Students with a short attention span benefit from changing pace several times during the lesson. My advice is to try mixing several subjects in one lesson and see how they respond. If they do not respond favorably, you can always change your lesson plan to teach only one subject deeply per lesson. When I taught a language club, I patterned the activities on a children �s birthday party format, switching activities often. This was very successful for elementary aged students. |
18 Oct 2014