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Ask for help > I didn īt get my points
I didn īt get my points
I didn īt get my points
Hi everyone, I have contributed two powerpoint presentations and there are some people downloaded mine. It means I should get points for downloading in order to let me download other īs contribution but I didn īt get any points yet. One week left without getting points so what happened and what can I do to get my points? Thanks in advance for help. |
15 Nov 2014
Your latest contribution is still in the recent downloads secetion. You will receive your point for this contribution tomorrow around 6 a.m. Just be patient. |
15 Nov 2014
Thanks for response. I am not talking about the latest one as I know it takes 2 days to get the points. I īm talking about 2nd Nov 2014 powerpoint. I didnt get the points yet. |
15 Nov 2014
I īve checked your points today. As far as i can see, they include all the downloads, Also the one from 2 Nov.
16 Nov 2014
Hi, Isa īs right. Your 3 wss were downloaded by 55, 19 and 5 people, that īs 79 downloads and you have79 points. So everything is OK. ;-) |
16 Nov 2014
Thanks a lot for prompt response and help. I got the points. |
16 Nov 2014