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A suggestion
Koenigin der Nacht
A suggestion
Hello, everyone! It goes without saying how amazing this site truly is. It is probably the best free website of its kind that I have encountered in my fifteen years of teaching English. I have a slight suggestion to make that would make things even better though. I have recently bought a new projector and laptop and carry them to all my classes at school. What I am mostly interested in at the moment, is to find interesting videos that compliment the things that I need to teach. In this site one can find outstanding worksheets that are based on videos found on Youtube, it would, however, make things significantly easier if, on the search function, there was a �type � for video worksheets or even song worksheets. You have worksheets, powerpoints, notebook, flipchart, mimio board, etc. You could add as types: �video worksheets � or �song worksheets �. It �s just a suggestion. I would like to thank everyone for the amazing job they are doing and especially Victor for maintaining this site for us. Koenigin der Nacht |
20 Nov 2014