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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Winter is Here!
Winter is Here!

Winter is Here!
Winter is finally here! Days are getting shorter and nights are getting longer. The chilly air keeps us mostly inside and if your like me, your inside with your young learners for most of the day. Below is a link to some free materials that may be useful for your young English Language Learners. Enjoy and have fun! |
3 Dec 2014

Peter Hardy
Nice, but firstly, it �s summer here, and secondly, can you please reduce that picture? It upsets the display of the home page. Thanks, Peter |
4 Dec 2014

It �s so useful. I have a kids class and sometimes I feel that I could bring different activities. As my free time is short, sites like yours really help me to vary my classes. Thanks for sharing! |
4 Dec 2014

useful indeed! thnx a lot! ;) |
5 Dec 2014