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Ask for help > VICTOR help me i need my points
VICTOR help me i need my points
VICTOR help me i need my points
Yesterday and today I uploaded worksheet, but i didnt get any point. The same thing happened with my colleuges, and I asked for help, but you didn �t reply. What can I do about it? |
17 Feb 2009
Dear Angee
Please read the FAQs. It answers many questions. Here is the link
And here is the answer to your question from the FAQ page
FAQ � Why haven�t I got any points?
The points from your uploaded worksheet take 2 days. Wait two days and you�ll have the points. Be patient the points will come
WElcome to ESLPrintables. Be patient it`s worth the wait and the work! |
17 Feb 2009
You do understand that you only get points if other people download your work right? You do not get points just for uploading something, it has to be downloaded by somebody else (with points). You get 1 point for every download by somebody else.
Douglas |
17 Feb 2009
Also read the other rules before uploding my dear angee_f
Here is the link. Please re-read it!!!
18 Feb 2009