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Grammar and Linguistics > Present Simple or Continuous?
Present Simple or Continuous?
Present Simple or Continuous?
Hi everybody! Can you have a look and tell me if these sentences are correct: The train leaves at 5 pm every day. The train is leaving in 10 minutes from platform 5. or should we say The train leaves in 10 minutes from platform 5 Thanks in advance |
5 Jan 2015
The train leaves at 5 p.m. everyday. It is the regular schedule of the train. So the sentence should be in the Present Simple Tense. Whereas the second sentence says that the train is going to move in 10 minutes from platform 5. It is going to happen very soon. When the action is likely to happen in near future, the Present Continuous/Progressive Tense is preferable. |
5 Jan 2015
The train leaves in 10 minutes. So hurry up This is also correct. |
5 Jan 2015
For your second sentence, both options are possible, depending on the situation. If you are on the phone and need to end the call, you say that my train is leaving in 10 minutes. If you are asking the person at the window a bout the schedule, he says that the train leaves in 10 minutes.
Bruce |
5 Jan 2015
Peter Hardy
# Cennoju: We use the Present Simple for schedules and timetables for future events. The continuous is used for appointments and arrangements. Actions that are likely to happen are expressed with �will �. So, the most common aka correct sentence here is: The train leaves in ten minutes. (Bruce �s alternative is possible, too, but we don �t know if the person is on the phone :-)
Hope this helps, Luboff. I have to go now. My next class starts in 20 minutes.
Cheers, Peter
5 Jan 2015
Thank you Bruce, Peter and psi21 for your explanations! You made my day! |
5 Jan 2015