I find that to simply practice vocabulary they enjoy playing back to the board with clues from the other students or by the students in front asking the other students questions in turn and the others can only answer with yes and no (clothing: Do you wear it on your head? Is it for winter?, etc) .
Charades if it�s something they can mime (sports, chores, any kind of actions, clothes, etc)
Memory chain - one student starts by saying a sentence with the word, the next student repeats what the first one said and then add another sentence, the third says what the first two said and adds one more sentence and so on until someone loses track or gets them mixed up and then that student gets to start the chain from zero again (you can keep score with the students by giving them lives, maybe 2 or 3 and when they loose their lives they are out of the game). Eg: S1 - I wash the dishes every day. S2: He washes the dishes every day and I make my bed once a week. < It �s also good for revising a certain structure you may have taught that goes with the vocabulary.
Taboo (if the students are good)
Treasure hunt with small flashcards or Go fish with small flashcards and they can play it in groups of four.
It depends on the level of the students and what they like :)
Hope it helps!