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Ask for help > If clause 1
If clause 1
If clause 1
Dear colleagues; could you help me find some Worksheets about this topic: Great expectations (texts with Reading Comprehension questions) + the text should include If clause 1 Thanks in advance. |
17 Jan 2015
Hi you per7, this might be a daft question. I know it is! Anyway - do you just mean having high expectations, or do you mean about the novel Great Expectations?
If the book, there is lots of stuff on the TES and I will download some for you. |
17 Jan 2015
I mean ...having high expectations. I am trying to help my pupils to read then write about their expectations. |
17 Jan 2015
Thought so, but thought I would just check. There were some great wss on just that topic from the same meber, but the images were copied and the member was suspended. She had received hundreds of downloads. I think she called them �If conditionals �. There were lots of examples. Maybe someone who downloaded them will read this and forward them? |
18 Jan 2015
Hello, Maybe you could find something useful here : Hope this can help, Val
18 Jan 2015