I´ve used chain games with different vocabulary.
Here �s an example:
Furniture around the house.
You begin the game. Say "In my living room there �s a sofa."
Then choose a student to continue. the ss must repeat your sentence and add one more piece of furniture.
SS 1: "In my living room there �s a sofa and a chair."
SS 2: "In my living room there �s a sofa, a chair, and a rug."
SS3: "In my living room there �s a sofa , a chair, a rug, and a lamp..... "
And so on, and so on.
I sit my students in a circle that way when all the sstudents have said a sentence SS 1 repeats evrething and adds another object.
the student that can �t remember the order of the objects loses. The last SS standing wins the game.