Hi Simoneta
I simply love IT in the classroom. I teach mature age adults: migrants and refugees, many with limited education from their own country
I use a wall mounted whiteboard and ceiling mounted projector to project:
- ESL websites for whole class activities e.g. Randalls esl cyberlab, elllo
- non-ESL websites to learn about whatever e.g. images for pictures for new vocabulary, useful everyday websites (such as law, culture etc)
- online dictionaries - my faves being Macmillan and Oxford
- programs for teaching Word, email, PPT etc
I use an e-learning platform (moodle) for students to use on their smartphones and in the computer lab. I fill it with lots of good web links. About 25% students use it outside of class.
We now have free WiFi so I also get them to use their smartphones in class (and this saves on worksheets - yay!). 75% of the class have iPhones, 20% Samsung, 5% other (inc me - I have a very basic smartphone). When we do activities I do it on my smartphone or Ipod Touch at the same time so I am experiencing what they are experiencing. Today we used the local public transport planner and planned journeys to different places to see who had to travel the furthest (great for comparatives and superlatives).
My college has eBeam which I don�t use, but I should as it is interactive (We don�t have interactive whiteboards).
My college also has laptops to use in the classroom but I prefer the smartphones as all students (bar one) possess one and it is what they use for everyday survival now.
I�m currently learning about
QR codes and how to use them in the classroom. Scan this code with your QR code scanner to see my post.