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Ask for help > probably some realia that I don īt know
probably some realia that I don īt know
probably some realia that I don īt know
There īs a line in the lyrics of Kerli īs song "Welcome to the tea party". The line is
Got my elbows down, pinkies up. Elbows down is OK with me, but why pinkies up? Is it a set phrase?
Another line that I can īt make out is
Let īs be traditional And non commissional
What does non commissional mean?
5 Mar 2015
Pinkies are your littlest fingers. Pinkies up may refer to the custom of drinking tea holding your little finger up, which was considered elegant traditionally. I am not sure about non commissional. I would have to guess. (It is not listed in the urban dictionary). A commission is the money that a sales clerk earns on a sale. so, non commisional would be selling without a sales commission. A non commisioned officer is a leader/person with authority over others in the armed forces. So, non commissional could mean be traditional and act with authority? but I am not familiar with military terms, so I would ask anyone with experience to make suggestions.
After listening to the song, I would guess that non commissional means not committed, not in a commited relationship, but just casual.
5 Mar 2015
I īm sure, theone 72, you īve heard "пальцы веером" well they only do that with a pinkie (мизинец) :)
P.S. never heard the song before so checked the lyrics, itīs really sensual. |
5 Mar 2015
I agree with Sophia. This songīs real meaning is hidden behind a traditional tea party theme and the non-commissional refers to non-commitment. Look closely at the words for the clues. Just my thoughts.
Jayho |
5 Mar 2015
alien boy
Interesting. Without readinng the entire song I couldn īt really accurately guess the meaning of īnon commissional �.� However, here are霡our賷efinitions of commission which may be appropriate. Commissional is an adjectival form of commission. - an authorisation or command to act in a prescribed manner or to perform specific acts;
- an act of committing something (especially crimes, in a legal sense);
- a fee to an employee or agent for a transaction;
- an act of entrusting or giving authority.
I īll add more thought after class, sorry!
>Edit: Iīve now read the lyrics... depending on how you want to interpret them it could take on several meaning, to me, & probably different ones for other people. The lyricist is obviously writing about a relationship, so īnon commissional�, which I suppose just means the opposite of commissional, may be a description of a relationship that is not officially prescribed; without payment owing due to committing to the relationship; or, an uncommitted relationship (in a formal sense). Thatīs just a quick, shallow, thought to add a few ideas to the discussion. Cheers,鼦B�
5 Mar 2015