Dear colleagues,
I �m an English teacher , non-native speaker and sometimes I am challenged how to assess certain answers in a test paper. I want to do what is right and sometimes I feel only native speakers can really give the right answer- although this is probably not true.
Here are my questions. Which prepositions or words are correct?
1)... with a number of short stories by / from /of the same author.
The expected answer is BY, are the other two also possible?
2)...a novella is a work given/ referring/ related to a work that is longer than a short story ...
The expected answer is GIVEN, what about referring and related?
Finally, what do you think about this sentence:
3) Typically, most novellas can / would/ must / usually range from between 50 to 100 pages.
The expected answer is can; i would accept also other modal verbs, but I � not sure about usually.
I thank you for your help and effort. My students are very demanding and if I decide not to accept an answer as correct I need good arguments.
I wish you a nice day and thank you once more.