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Hi friends! I need to ask you something.Is this true in English grammar? �We can use the time adverb TODAY with ; present progressive .......For example..... ...I am walking to work today. present simple .........There is telephone �n every house today. present perfect........... I have eaten two apples today. Past simple .............. I ate two apples today. I am confused about the last two sentences.Can we certainly use �today � with past simple tense? What is the difference of the usage between present perfect and past simple with �today � .. Thank you for answers in advance.. |
23 Mar 2015
with present perfect,it means that it is propable that I can still eat some more apples today. �Cause the day has not finished yet.So the number may not be correct for today. But the last sentence with past simple,you can use it at the end of the day maybe while writing on your diary,while going to the bed in a reading text. |
23 Mar 2015
Thank you ..I just wanted to be sure..We asked a translation sentence in a quiz last week and I accepted both sentences true.but some of my colleagues said that we can�t use �today � with past we had a little confusion about it.. Thanks again
23 Mar 2015
Yes, all of these sentences are correct and #Sedefcem has very well explained every situation. |
23 Mar 2015
In American English the simple past is used more frequently than the past perfect when making a statement (reporting) what one did. I would not say I have eaten two apples; I ate two apples sounds more natural, to me. The suggestion to use simple past only at the end of the day seems artificial to me. I would use simple past at any time of the day. If asked, "What did you have for breakfast?" I would use simple past in my answer: "I had two apples today" or "I ate two apples today." Adding the word �today� would imply a contrast to yesterday or a normal day�s breakfast.
24 Mar 2015