Dear English teachers from Spain,
I �m an English teacher and I also work for Dream On Productions, a company that brings Bristish an American Storytellers as an activity for schools around the world. They go and perform at the school �s facilities. This is an activity I LOVE!!
This will be my FIRST TIME working with Spanish Schools, I �m organizing the Tour of Djeliba BABA a great storyteller from USA for 2016 and I would appreciate the help of teachers from Spain that are interested in having the visit of this storyteller or just know somebody in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia that might be interested. It is always a bit hard when talking to a new country and I thought you can really help me with this or just telling me ideas or ways to let teachers and coordinators know about what I �m organising.
You can send a private message if you are interested in getting more details or if you know anything that can help me!
Thanks in advance to everybody!!
Miss Eleonora