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another one:
21 Feb 2009
Hi alexcure! We just have to report them as empty or corrupted files and victor will delete them.
Night! |
21 Feb 2009
Thank you.. so I have done it!!!!
Good day to you!
21 Feb 2009
To Victor,
It seems to me that we could solve the problem of the system being overloaded, if people started uploading black and white worksheets without so many fancy colourful backgrounds, borders and fonts. You can always add to a ws to fancy it up if you want to - after you have downloaded it. Its takes a ton of memory to save such colourful - decorated wss.
I think that there should be a rule that you have to upload something within a week/ month of registering to become a member- or you get cancelled.
21 Feb 2009
one for all
Hello everybody!
I deleted my less downloaded worksheets to help my great site.I lost points but it �s ok.I think all of us should delete our less downloaded worksheets so that there will be enough place for more useful worksheets.
And also eng789 �s idea about black and white worksheets is perfect.Before printing these colourful worksheets I reduce their colours so let �s prepare black and white worksheets.
Have a nice day |
21 Feb 2009
Well, the overloading problem doesn �t exist anymore with the new server. We have enough free space for a long time.
There is no need to avoid decorated worksheets, if you manage to make them under 300 kb. And there is no need to removed our less downloaded worksheets. They might be useful for someone.
Have a nice day |
21 Feb 2009
Thanks Victor,
I guess the slowness has to do with my PC.
Have a great weekend.
Barbara |
21 Feb 2009
Help, is it really my computer. When I scroll down to see todays freebies I can �t see all of the pictures of the wss. This has never Happened before. |
21 Feb 2009