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Games, activities and teaching ideas > need help for outdoor activities to practise vocabulary
need help for outdoor activities to practise vocabulary
need help for outdoor activities to practise vocabulary
My dear friends, I need your halp once again. Now that the weather is finally hot an sunny (it was about time haha) I need some ideas about having a lesson in the garden. There are olive trees, fig trees, apricot trees, lots of grass, a chicken coop a green house with vegetables and many more things. Today I tried something and the kids were excited but I really need more ideas. Please could you help me? |
24 Apr 2015
What about making a GREEK SALAD outdoor? You can talk about the ingredients and things you need to make it (vocabulary) , the recipe and process (verbs, ordinals) and speaking about healthy food against fast food. Finally you can eat the salad and the fruit of the trees (if they are ripe fruit, of course), Vocabulary about farm animals and the orchard should be useful too. Don �t forget to add the marvellous Feta cheese Another exercise: You can try speaking about the parts of trees and plants and then, make a poster about them or a classification about types of leaves.
A description contest using the animals (speaking or writing) or a spelling game with plants and animals, too.
24 Apr 2015
Running dictation is a fun game to play outside. |
24 Apr 2015
Grandfather clock what time is it? This is a game. Have the students line up at one end of the yard/field facing the teacher.(The teacher is designated the clock) All together the students shout, " Grandfather clock what time is it?" The teacher chooses a number and says for example, "2 o �clock". The students must each take 2 steps forward, toward the teacher. The students ask again and the teacher again says a number, and the students move forward that number of steps. This continues until one student reaches the teacher and touches (tags) him/her. That student is the winner and he becomes the new clock.
I forgot to mention that if the teacher calls out Midnight! everyone can race to the teacher to tag her without counting their steps.
I prefer to face the class, and let the children tag me. The variation has the teacher�s back to the class, and the teacher chases the students when she calls out dinner time!
24 Apr 2015
Thanks for sharing! I love it and will use it! |
24 Apr 2015
Thank you all so much. This is what I did on the first day. I divided the children in two teams. Then I wrote on the board sentences for both teams such as � �There is a monkey on the olive tree � �, � �There is a gorilla on the fig tree � �, � �How many trees are there in the garden? How many apricot trees etc. I forgot to tell you that first I hide some flashcards on the trees, in the green house and everywhere in the garden I could thing of. The first team gathering all the flashcards and answering all the questions correctly was the winner. Kids loved it. But I really need sth different each week |
26 Apr 2015
Oh and Sarguero thank you for your tip but we eat greek salad and feta every day so it isn �t something unknown for the kids. Thanks for your advice though :D |
26 Apr 2015