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Grammar and Linguistics > question tag for"Let us"
question tag for"Let us"
question tag for"Let us"
Hello dear members I read in a book that the question tag for "Let �s" is "shall we?" and that the question tag for "Let us" is "will we?"I agree with the first point but I think that the second one (that the question word for "Let us" is "will we?") is not right and I �m not sure about that. Could you clarify this for me please? |
24 Apr 2015
Definitely "shall we" and not "will we", because "Let �s" is a suggestion, and we use "shall we" for suggesting things. In addition, though, it �s good to know that this is a formal usage. In everyday English (at least in the US), it would be "Let �s go to a movie. OK?". Bruce |
24 Apr 2015
Thanks, Bruce but does that mean that there is no difference between "Let us" and "let �s" and the question tag for "Let us" is "shall we?" not "will you?" |
24 Apr 2015
nasreddine Sarsar
The tag "Will you" is for orders. Stand up, will you? The Tag Used for suggestions is "shall we"! Let �s go to the movies = shall we go to the movies. Shall and will are used interchangeably when we want to express future intentions with the first singular and first plural pronouns (I & We). For instance: �we shall wait for our turn � equals �we will wait for our turn �. I hope this humble clarification will resolve the issue. Have a grea day! |
25 Apr 2015
Thanks so much for your clarification. |
25 Apr 2015
when we say " Let us " it is formal , so it is not suggestion but it is for taking permission , So the doer is "You". so the tag will be " Will you? or " won �t you" I wish I have added something thanks a lot. |
25 Apr 2015
To answer your new question to me, "Let �s" is just the contraction of "Let us", so they are the same. Now that I think of it, "Let us" really is no longer in use, except in church when someone says "Let us pray". I �ll repeat that the correct tag is "shall we?", but this is used only in a formal sentence. I �m sorry to have to disagree with mohzayat, but I don �t think anyone would use "will you?" or "won �t you?" as the tag. Bruce |
25 Apr 2015
I wonder if anyone has ever heard "Let us go to the movie, won �t you?" or "Let us have a cookie, won �t you?" It sounds to me as if it could be a short form of this structure using will: "You;ll let us borrow your notes, won �t you?" In other words, "You �ll let us go to the movies, won �t you?" and "You �ll let us have a cookie, won �t you?" |
25 Apr 2015
Great point, Red. My mind was stuck on the original question, so your excellent examples didn �t occur to me. Yes, "Let us" is frequently used, especially within families, for asking permission, as your excellent examples show. This is a totally different situation from "Let �s", which is a contraction of "Let us", and is used to suggest an activity together. My apologies to mohzayat for operating on a faulty assumption in my answer. Bruce |
25 Apr 2015
Thanks so much every one for taking the time to help me. I really benefitted a lot. |
25 Apr 2015