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Info own worksheets removed
Info own worksheets removed
It just wanted to help people that�s why I mentioned my worksheets. It�s not for the points because I have enough points.
Karina |
21 Feb 2009
Dear Demeuter
Pinky`s post may have confused you. It was discussed that in order to recognize old worksheets as stolen more often we need to recycle them and look back through old worksheets, for example on this date last year. It was also mentioned that people could identify interesting or useful worksheets and post them in the forum. Not links to one`s OWN worksheets!
Forgive me but this is not appropriate, to advertise one`s own contributions, that was not the idea!
What do others think?
21 Feb 2009
I agree although I don �t think we will ever be able to really enforce the rule. |
21 Feb 2009
I think that Pinky Makus has given us stimulation for another (not so new) discussion here. In my opinion, if anyone needs a particular worksheet, he/she will take some time to search for it ... I don �t know. I know that P.Makus wants to be of help to the others who do not have much free time to go searching, so she does it for them. It �s just that I don �t like not having anything interesting to read about on the message board. Just the links, help-outs, points, shrinking, sizes, etc ...
21 Feb 2009
Let �s all take a deep breath here!
I think it depends on the situation. If someone asks for help finding worksheets on past tense verbs, then I don �t think it �s a problem if someone answers with a link to some of their own ws on past tense verbs. I mean, what do we remember best? - our own WSs or WSs by others? A lot of people here are really, really busy and I don �t see a problem by helping out. L
21 Feb 2009
Hi, as it is such a problem for some people to see informations about worksheet links, why don �t you send the link to the private messenger. The person who needs help gets the link and it �s not advertising for everybody.
a big hug,
Silvia |
21 Feb 2009