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Dates in English

Dates in English
Please help me with this. As far as I know 12/4 is read "the twelveth of April" or "April the twelveth". But today, I heard that it is read " twelveth of the fourth". Someone can tell me why? Thank you
17 May 2015

That �s not done in the US. Bruce |
17 May 2015

The person is reading fraction....12/4 doesn �t mean means fraction ie part of a whole |
17 May 2015

1/4, 1/3, 2/4 , 12/4 are all representing fractions. Not date. It �s only china they write dates that way. It �s fraction in standard English |
17 May 2015

I just wanted to add, there is no �twelveth � - we say and write �twelfth � |
18 May 2015

alien boy
Someone saying �the telfth of the fourth � is saying it �s the 12th day of the 4th month. I �ve heard it said often enough. I �m wondering if it �s an Australianism. In the USA, the standard practice is to put the month first, then the day no., therefore 12/4 would be December 4(th). Most of the rest of the world uses the day no. before the month. This makes 12/4 12(th) April. Cheers, AB |
18 May 2015

In Chinese, the months have no names, only numbers. Early learners state the date by literally translating from Chinese. That is likely the source of the error. |
18 May 2015

I heard this from a recording of Family and Friends 5. The text is from a forum website. I am wondering if it is kind of slang used on the Internet. |
18 May 2015

It �s not slang. We use this form of date in Australia quite often. When ringing a phone company about a problem for example, and they want to check your ID (Identification). What is your date of birth? I could answer the second of the third, nineteen seventy. It �s a way of saying the date which copies the way you would fill it in on a form. 02/03/1970 This is British English we always say the day / the month /the year dd/mm/yyyy
19 May 2015

I got it. Thank you very much ! |
20 May 2015